Recycling and Waste Reduction

Carroll University is committed to recycling and reducing our waste to lessen our impact on the earth.

Ongoing Initiatives

  • Battery recycling bins are located across campus.

  • Reusable bags are provided to students at select dorms for recycling and as part of the Food Box program through Carroll’s Cupboard.

  • Food waste is measured and reduced at the MDR.

  • Single-use plastics are reduced by using bamboo products at catering events, decreasing the number of straws, and having water-bottle filling stations across campus.

  • Reusable to-go food containers are available at MDR. See Dining for more information.

  • Reusable to-go cups are available and can be used at MDR, Stone Creek Coffee, Einstein Bros. Bagels and Crave at Carroll.

  • Moving Green: Clothes, unopened food, household items, and small furniture and appliances are collected at the end of spring semester. We want to reduce the amount of perfectly good items thrown out when students leave campus and provide them to students next fall.
    • Food is used by Carroll’s Cupboard’s
    • Professional clothes are kept for the Carroll Career closet
    • Small furniture and appliances like minifridges and microwaves are kept for incoming students
    • Any extra donations are given to local nonprofits like the Hope Center
    • For questions about Moving Green or Carroll’s Cupboards please reach out to Alex Smith

What is Single-Stream Recycling?


Single-stream recycling is when all recyclable materials (paper, plastic, aluminum, etc.) is placed in the same bin to be recycled. Single-stream systems are credited with increasing the total amount of recycled material. However, bins are easily contaminated with non-recyclable waste. It is estimated that one out of every five things Waukesha residents recycle is actually trash.

Be a good steward and commit to recycling correctly! Contaminating our recycling bins adds fees to Carroll and ruins the efforts of others. Locate blue bins or other recycling containers in your building and the dumpster with the blue lid outside of the dorms. Follow the guide below for what is and is not recyclable:

Single-Stream Recycling Flyer

Yes, Recycle in Single-Stream!

The following items may be recycled in single-stream cans and dumpsters. They may be free floating (no plastic bags!).
piles of paper stacked on top of eachother.


  • Any color or finish
  • Staples and bindings are okay
  • Flattening cardboard boxes is best
  • Always empty out any food or liquids
  • EXCEPTIONS: Paper towels and tissues, pizza boxes (too greasy), wax coated cups and cartons.

a pile of empty water bottles.


  • Bottles and containers labeled #1-5
  • Lids and caps are okay if attached to container
  • Always empty out any food or liquids
  • EXCEPTIONS: Plastic bags and #6 (Styrofoam, plastic utensils, Solo cups)

a pile of aluminum cans and lids.


  • Aluminum, steel and tin cans
  • Labels are okay
  • Always empty out any food or liquids
  • EXCEPTIONS: Foil, scrap metal, electronics

a group of empty bottles and jars.


  • Glass bottles and jars of any color
  • Lids and labels are okay if attached to container
  • Always empty out any food or liquids
  • EXCEPTIONS: Light bulbs, mirrors, broken glass. Be careful when adding to bins!

No, do NOT recycle in single-stream!

Please reduce your use of the following items and see below for alternative recycling options.
a person walking holding a plastic bag in their hand.

Plastic Bags/Wraps/Films

  • They clog the single-stream sorters and are our number one source of contamination! This includes bags holding your recyclables! Many local grocery stores accept clean and dry bags. Use this location finder.

batteries stacked on top of eachother.


  • We have orange battery bins located across campus (Campus Center, Van Male, dorms, etc). If batteries are leaking, put in a small plastic bag before dropping off.

a living room with furniture, blankets and decorations.

Clothes and Household Items

  • If still in good condition, make a donation to local charities or to Moving Green at the end of the spring semester.


For questions on recycling and waste reduction, please email

Panoramic View of campus